Friday, October 23, 2009


1) While waiting for the bus outside the Braddock metro, I see a courtesy shuttle for Audi and wonder why the shuttle is a mini-van and not an Audi...are they too cheap to shuttle their valued customers around in their own vehicles? I wasn't even a nice minivan... bastards. 2) While walking around the mall on a rainy Saturday - Why do I feel like I am the only person who moves out of the way of others? I have just as much right to be walking down the mall as anyone else, yet they all think they rule the world. So I suppose I will go through life weaving my way in and out of the masses who are too self-absorbed to notice anyone else. 3) The Yankees - Why all the hate everyone? They are a great team of great players (with cute butts), who yes, do have way more money than most franchises, but that is no reason to be bitter. However, I suppose I'd be upset too if my baseball team never won. And for all those people who think I am a fair-weather fan...get over it. I've been a Yankees fan since I was born...not much of a choice when you grow up with my Dad. 4) Brick sidewalks, concrete sidewalks, streets, gravel -- you win! I have come to accept the fact that I will trip on a daily basis, whether I'm in sandals, heels, or shoes. Chipped toenails can be easily remedied with a pedicure, and temporary embarassment is good for the soul.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I cannot believe it is already October. The past couple months have gone by so's hard to believe that I've been living in DC for two whole months. I'm still adjusting - in life and in my job, but it's been a great time so far. I've gotten to spend some quality time with the parents and it's a weird adjustment but for the most part, it's been really beneficial. We haven't lived together in 5 years, and I've changed a lot over that time - so it has taken some getting used to. But truthfully, I can't complain that the fridge is stocked with food and wine is supplied in copious amounts! And I have my own space, my little 4th floor tower that I can escape to when I just want to be alone. But anyways, the real reason for the update today! It's OCTOBER!!! My favorite month of the entire year...and not just because it's my birthday month but because fabulous things happen during the month of October. And maybe I wouldn't be so appreciative of October had I not grown up in Half Moon Bay, but there is just a strange feeling I get every fall...maybe it's the change in the light, or the winds that pick up, or the fact that everything just looks so pretty. I almost feel like instead of January being the start of a new year, my renewal comes in the fall. It's probably because yes, I do turn another year older (24 this year, yikes), but the fall just makes me want to smile. Old Town Alexandria (my current city) is pretty f'in quaint...there is no better way to describe it. Old historical buildings, walks along the river, ice cream shops, great restaurants, people walking with families and dogs, farmers markets...and for someone who comes from a quaint town such as HMB, I can truly appreciate the beauty that is Alexandria. And now that the leaves are starting to change, I literally just smile everytime I look out the window or walk out the door. One main difference is that when Fall comes to HMB the weather gets warmer, that is sooooo not the case here...yes it's beautiful and sunny but the chill is getting to be brutal. Only a sign of what is to come, I better start getting out my winter coats but I can't wait. I love my coats! And to anyone who has ever seen "Hocus Pocus" -you will appreciate this. Apparently, one street in Alexandria with a bunch of older houses, block off the street to cars on Halloween night and put lanterns on their porches and all the trick-or-treaters run around and according to my Mom, "it looks just like Hocus Pocus". So needless to say, since I watch this movie about 20 times every October, I cannot wait!!! But, now comes the horrible task of thinking up a costume for Halloween. Even though I am truly a pirate hooker at heart, I think it might be time to retire that, any suggestions will be graciously accepted. I'm gonna be majorly bummed to miss Pumpkin Festival this year though. However, I guess I can go one year without drinking a few too many with my friends, having mini-reunions with everyone from high school, and attempting to ride my bike home while hiccuping and avoiding children in wagons, pumpkins and potholes...yea, that happened. Good times though for sure. Wouldn't trade those memories (or lack thereof) for anything. So...time to go buy some pumpkins!!! Happy October everyone!