Friday, October 23, 2009


1) While waiting for the bus outside the Braddock metro, I see a courtesy shuttle for Audi and wonder why the shuttle is a mini-van and not an Audi...are they too cheap to shuttle their valued customers around in their own vehicles? I wasn't even a nice minivan... bastards. 2) While walking around the mall on a rainy Saturday - Why do I feel like I am the only person who moves out of the way of others? I have just as much right to be walking down the mall as anyone else, yet they all think they rule the world. So I suppose I will go through life weaving my way in and out of the masses who are too self-absorbed to notice anyone else. 3) The Yankees - Why all the hate everyone? They are a great team of great players (with cute butts), who yes, do have way more money than most franchises, but that is no reason to be bitter. However, I suppose I'd be upset too if my baseball team never won. And for all those people who think I am a fair-weather fan...get over it. I've been a Yankees fan since I was born...not much of a choice when you grow up with my Dad. 4) Brick sidewalks, concrete sidewalks, streets, gravel -- you win! I have come to accept the fact that I will trip on a daily basis, whether I'm in sandals, heels, or shoes. Chipped toenails can be easily remedied with a pedicure, and temporary embarassment is good for the soul.

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