Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting

Saturday saturday....saturday saturday (I hope you are all singing the Elton John song in the back of your head like I am)

Saturday night is usually a night for fighting, and by fighting, I mean drinking.  However, this Saturday is not one of those occasions and I am very much okay with that fact.

It's hard to be 'on' all the time and after three weeks of constantly attempting to be on, I just need a breather.

Turning it off, zoning out, doing some writing, reading for some inspiration, and waking up early to go cheer on my amazing friends who are running the Cherry Blossom 10-miler tomorrow.

Best thing about meeting up with people post-run is the imminent brunch that is to follow.

It has been a time of contemplation, a time of revelation, a time of sorrow, a time of joy, but that honestly doesn't feel any different than life ultimately should at 25.

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