After high school I could not wait to get out of Half Moon Bay...too much drama for such a small town. I think we needed time apart for me to truly appreciate its true beauty. Obviously, it was always beautiful to me, but sometimes I would forget that just walking down to the beach and watching the waves can be more calming than a bubble bath with Enya playing in the background (who does that?)... anywho...I honestly think HMB was trying to convince me to stay in Cali because I have never seen so many gorgeous days in such a short amount of time there. I swear, we were at the beach almost every weekend working on our tans (and no, for once, it wasn't a fog burn). And by we, I'm talking about the best of the best, Rachel and Caitlen and on occasion Downing and Kelly. (And I know the above pic isn't from secret spot...but it's us at the beach, so it counts haha)
So many Saturday and Sunday mornings where the sun would shine bright through my window and wake me up around 7am. Normally, I'd go back to sleep, but these days were too good to pass up! There is something about gathering up some food and drinks, hopping on your beach cruiser and heading down the coastal trail to the secret spot that brings a smile to my face...especially now that the closest body of water to me right now is the Potomoc River. Great tunes, great friends, a totally relaxing environment, sun shining and freezing water that we sometimes ventured in to...a perfect day! Except for the damn red crabs...tiny little guys about the size of ants that climb over EVERYTHING! I swear I would get home and two hours later I would find a red crab climbing out of my backpack or something. Tricky little bastards...
The last week I was in Half Moon Bay I tried to be outside as much as I possibly could...and it didn't disappoint. I was already bummed about leaving all my friends, and here was HMB just taunting me with beautiful sunny days and amazing sunsets that I could enjoy from a bench on the bluff with a glass of wine. At least I know that I will not be in D.C. forever and that HMB will be waiting...just as the bank of fog sits patiently off the shore.
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