Exactly how does one learn how to take a compliment? Is this something that is taught at preschool when a little girl comes up to you and says that she really likes your lunchbox? do you learn to say thanks? do you say, oh I know, my lunchbox is way better than yours? or do you simply shy away and look at your feet, hoping that the attention is averted from you as quickly as possible? I am going to make an educated guess and say that as a kid, I was definitely in the latter...
...and with that, the statement of the day is that I am absolutely terrible at taking compliments. (And no, this is not a post to brag about all the amazing compliments that I receive on a daily basis because that would be a complete lie). If I wasn't struggling with them, there would be nothing to post about and I would just be a terribly vain human being. Yet, here I am, struggling with how to handle a kind word thrown my way without thinking there is some sort of ulterior motive or underlying criticism.
Anybody have any pointers in how to take a compliment?
People like you because you are awesome..its really very simple. Awkwardness is normal, just dont let it turn into fear.