Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A look in the past.

It has been a week of struggle and elation, despair and decisiveness, hearth-fires and holocausts, the voice of doom and a hint of reproach.  what exactly brought this on is yet to be determined, but it is not something that should be so easily forgotten. The mind works in mysterious ways and mine seems to be a mystery, even to me.  No two souls, hearts, or minds are alike.  People do not always understand one another, but maybe that is not what is meant to be.  We are build differently on purpose, yet there seems to be no rhyme or reason.  And okay.

How can I attempt to understand myself when I do not understand the complexities, intricacies, and mysteries of my surrounding environment? But that is life and what is life except for the biggest lesson of all to learn?  Some find the answer right away, but who's to say the answer is not up for interpretation? If I can change, my body can change and my heart can change, then everything must be able to change at some point.

The past is set, the present is here and the future is up for your interpretation...interpret it the way you see fit...see where you end up.

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