Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I was exhausted last night when I got home from work - traveling and getting accustomed to a new apartment, new city finally caught up with me. I came home, put on my bathing suit top and sat out on my balcony to catch the final few rays of sunshine in the warm afternoon light. I was asleep within 5 minutes. When I woke up, I was still tired and just wanted to sit and think - the gym was the last thing I wanted to do. So I made a deal with myself that if I didn't gym in the afternoon, I would get up early in the morning to go. My alarm went off at 445am and I was surprisingly awake (normally when I have to wake up that early I am cursing my phone and fighting around in the dark trying to turn off my alarm.) However, I still managed to talk myself out of getting out of bed. Why is it that beds are just so warm in the morning, lulling you back to sleep when you really should stop being lazy and get off your fat ass? Maybe tomorrow will be different. Either way....I'll have to avoid the chocolate cupcakes :-) Also, random side note for this morning....I was happily sipping my delicious Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Brought the cup up to my mouth, took a sip, tilted the cup away and for some reason, the position of my lips caused this weird suction effect....which, in turn, made a little dabble of coffee shoot straight up my right nostril. Weirdest thing ever....I"m sure it will never happen again and I am glad that nobody else was around to see it. I'll be sneezing french vanilla coffee for the rest of the day....

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