Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome to Miami...

Oh if only I had the Will Smith song on my iphone so that I could have listened to that as I drove into the (hopefully) awesome city of Miami. I don't even own that song, and I am actually pretty okay with that.
So, here I Miami. Why am I here? TSA and my leadership development program feel that it is beneficial and crucial for our skill-set to spend 30 days working at an airport. There are 30 people in my program and we have all been sent to different locations. I somehow ended up with Miami. Now, most people would have been jumping for joy but Miami is just not one of those places that I have been itching to spend time in. But, that was my initial reaction when I found out my location last summer....since then, I have embraced my location and tried to make the best of it. Thus far, I had the fabulous luxury of choosing my dates....therefore, it's 30 degrees (average) in D.C. right's about 70 in Miami.....therefore, Lucy chooses to go in February to get some sunshine on my face. I never realized how much of an impact the sun truly had on me until I moved to the east coast. (but hey, this sun issue will have to be addressed in another post).
Back to Miami - here's how my trip has gone so far...My flight was rescheduled to leave at 5pm instead of 1pm, meaning I got to Miami after dark. In my planning stages, I wanted to get to Miami in the afternoon because I just hate getting to new places after throws me off. American Airlines apparently doesn't care about my feelings though. Finally land around 745pm and gather my two large bags from the baggage claim (insert ridiculous image of that typical girl walking around with giant luggage and having some issues). I got me some muscles though and pushed through. Of course the car rental company I use has a line with about 50 people in it, and all others have 0....bad choice. Got myself an awesome car and GPS on. Start driving...GPS is in kilometers.....pull over....reset GPS....start driving again......make it to my corporate housing apartment no problem.
The apartment building itself is huge, much bigger than I thought it was going to be. My room is on the 13th floor, which I think is awesome...I've always wanted to live on the 13th floor as I like that superstitious feeling. Maybe I can adopt a black cat while I'm here? Only complaint so far...the hallway kinda smells like the chemicals they put in porta-pottys. Ew. Hopefully, today was a cleaning day and the smell only lingers for a short while.
Feeling a little off tonight - I'm always weird when I get to a new location. I'm banking on some sleep and sunshine in the morning to get this Miami trip kicking. More to come so keep checkin in on me!

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